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AMXT-1501, a novel polyamine transport inhibitor, synergizes with DFMO in inhibiting neuroblastoma cell proliferation by targeting both ornithine decarboxylase and polyamine transport

Samal K, Zhao P, Kendzicky A, Yco LP, McClung H, Gerner E, Burns M, Bachmann AS, Saulnier Sholler G. AMXT-1501, a novel polyamine transport inhibitor, synergizes with DFMO in inhibiting neuroblastoma cell proliferation by targeting both[...]

Oral RKS262 Reduces Tumor Burden in a Neuroblastoma (NB) Xenograft Animal Model and Mediates Cytotoxicity through SAPK/JNK and ROS Activation in Vitro

Singh R, Dorf L, DeMartino A, Illenye S, Koto K, Ashikaga T, Kwang Kim K, Brard L, Saulnier Sholler G. Oral RKS262 Reduces Tumor Burden in a Neuroblastoma (NB) Xenograft Animal Model and Mediates Cytotoxicity through[...]

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