
Genomic and high-throughput pharmacologic correlative analysis of 10 diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma

Elizabeth VanSickle, Abhinav Nagulapally, Delvano Capobianco, Jeff Bond, Rick Neubig, Tom Dexheimer, Giselle Sholler. Genomic and high-throughput pharmacologic correlative analysis of 10 diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, 2nd Pediatric Precision Oncology Conference 2018, Scottsdale,[...]


Exceptional clinical response to molecular guided therapy in a patient with progressive lymphoepithelioma-like thymic carcinoma

M. Ghanim, Giselle Sholler, M. Hudspeth, L. Donahoo, W. Rieter, Geneveive Bergendahl, Gina Hanna, William Hendricks, Sara Byron, Abhinav Nagulapally, Jeff Bond, Jeff Trent, Jackie Kraveka. Exceptional clinical response to molecular[...]


Inhibition of Neuroblastoma Cell Growth by Difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) and Bortezomib through Suppression of LIN28 and MYCN

Rich M, Zhao P, Nagulapally A, Bond J, Saulnier Sholler G. Inhibition of Neuroblastoma Cell Growth by Difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) and Bortezomib through Suppression of LIN28 and MYCN, Journal of Cancer Therapy,[...]

DFMO synergizes with BET inhibitors targeting ODC and MYCN to impede neuroblastoma cell proliferation and tumor initiation

Sarah DeCou, Ping Zhao, Tracey Avequin, Abhinav Nagulapally, Jeffrey Bond, Giselle Saulnier Sholler. DFMO synergizes with BET inhibitors targeting ODC and MYCN to impede neuroblastoma cell proliferation and tumor initiation, American Association[...]

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